tex mix – 4 stereo channels
Eurorack Modular Expandable Mixer
This is a 4 stereo channels expansion. Several of this modules can be added to get more stereo channels.
Every channel features:
- Stereo input (L works as mono in)
- SEND A control (switchable PRE/POST, in PRE mode the signal is present regardless to the ON/OFF/CUE switch position and channel volume control)
- SEND B control (post-fader)
- PAN control (only affects the master bus)
- VOLUME control (affects the master, cue and POST sends)
- ON/OFF/CUE switch: ON- channel is routed to the master bus
- OFF- channel is muted
- CUE- channel is routed to the cue bus
- This is a 4 mono channels expansion. Several of these modules can be added to provide more channels. Every channel features:
12 HP
15 mA +12V
15 mA -12V
The Eurorack Modular Expandable Mixer concept is about building a mixer depending to your needs, number and type of channels.
There are 6 modules available for the Eurorack Modular Expandable Mixer:
All modules have a vertical 10 pin connector on the back, in the central area. All modules used in the mixer must be linked.
There are 4 audio buses:
- Master bus (stereo, main output)
- Cue bus (stereo, planned for monitoring purposes but can be used as a stereo group)
- Send A (mono, usually used for FX processors like reverb, delay, etc.)
- Send B (mono, same as A)